Sunday, September 30, 2012

Temple Grandin... the autistic child

cattle cattle... 
I was not surprised when I pulled into this Sonic for lunch today and saw the car stalls like cattle stalls. We line up for food the same way to be fed. Ha! 
I  had spent too much time thinking about cattle this last week. TheTemple Grandin movie had been so eye-opening and sad that I took this picture, drove away from Sonic and drove to Walmart where I ate in an indoor Subway in mental peace. 
Let me tell you what happened...
I was intrigued and found myself immersed in the life story of Temple Grandin. I had read her self-titled book and had watched her life story. (Actress, Claire Danes had been awarded the Emmy as lead actress for the 2010 HBO movie titled, Temple Grandin.) 

Who was this woman? The first time I heard her speak was for about 17 minutes on TED Talks (Netflix) a couple of weeks ago. On TED, Temple said that she was diagnosed as autistic when she was two years old. She said that her Dad wanted her institutionalized because she would never be “normal.”  Her Mom stood her ground to keep her even though it caused divorce.  Temple's Mom worked diligently to have professional people teach Temple. As a result, Temple learned to speak, went to school for years, and learned to communicate and not to offend the people around her.

Today, at 63, Dr. Temple Grandin is a brilliant scientist and professor of animal science at Colorado State University. The subtitle on her book, Temple Grandin, reads, “How the girl who loved cows embraced autism and changed the world.” As an autistic person, she sees things everything in pictures. Her drawings have revolutionized and encouraged humane treatment of cattle and chickens used for the food industry today. 

Because of Temple, major meat buyers like McDonalds and KFC will only buy meat from slaughterhouses that follow Temple Grandin’s recommended systems. These encompass humane living conditions for chickens and humane slaughter for cattle!

If you get a chance, watch what Temple has to say about schools and autistic children. 
You will be enlightened. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Remember flying in one of these?

It was the mid 1960’s.  I was 20 years old when my Mom called and told me I was to catch an airplane rather than drive the 3 hours it took to get to San Antonio from Waco, Texas. I knew I had to don heels and a Sunday dress to travel by air. That was the Texas custom in those day just like being “dressed in heels” to go watch a football game at the Baylor University stadium.

Jet airplanes had begun to be used for everyday people. However, when the taxi dropped me off at the small Waco airport, I went outside and found out the airplane was not a jet. I had to climb up steep medal stairs into the front of the airplane. 
These airplanes were call “props” because they had two propellers on their wings. Few people flew unless they had money, or for business, or in case of an emergency. I was not told why I was going to San Antonio late that same night; but I knew my parents had money to fly me, so it didn’t matter. A plane flight was cool!

The stewardess told us that we would have one stop in Killeen, Texas to pick up passengers. I was a little nervous about the passengers around me because it was known that these airplanes were called "puddle jumpers" and caused passenger nausea. I saw the folded white bag in the seat pocket in front of me. Yuk! Not tonight. Please not around me on this trip or I would have to join in. Ha! However, no one got sick on that first puddle jump to Killeen. 

We arrived in Killeen and were waiting to get back into the air when the stewardess asked us if we would quickly get up and walk out the front door of the airplane. That was weird. She told us to leave everything on the seat since we would be back on the same plane. Like cattle, we all did what she asked. With my first step out onto the metal stairs, I found that I was being hit on the face and body with red, blue, and yellow flashing lights. I saw fire engines and flashing cars. On the ground, I walked behind the white picket fence where we, the passengers, were being corralled, I turned and looked back at the airplane. It was a canvas of bright blinking colors that looked like a party was being thrown. But, I didn't hear any music? 

Then I saw it!  It was a painting embedded in my mind that I have lived with during the last 50 years. 
Four emergency people were lowering a Vietnam soldier down the steep airplane stairs. He was in full dressed green uniform.Two of the men carried the soldier by his arms stepping down slowly. The other two were below him each cradling his legs. The soldier was out of it. His head was tossed to the side. I did't know if he was unconscious or dead.

I was reminded of so many painters, etchers and lithographers who painted their “Descent from the Cross” that I had studied in art classes at Baylor.  The "Descent" always showed Christ's followers lowering the dead body of Christ down off the cross. Christ’s body would be lifeless and contorted as it was handed down carefully to people who loved Him. 
That night during my flight, I saw the similarity of the lifeless uniformed soldier being lowered in the same way. 

Even now as I think of it, I can’t help but be moved by the thought of how Christ, by choice, gave his life for me so that I could live in Him each day. It was too sad for the soldier; but oh how thankful I am that Christ died for each of us and rose again to live through us daily.

That scene is a painting has been etched in my mind for all these years. If I were to paint it, it would have the darkness of the night contrasting the white picket fence between the airplane and the many passengers and bystanders who are looking on. The colorful plane would be lit by the many contrasting vehicle lights. In the center, the uniformed solder, in my painting, would be seen as having giving up his life for you and me so that we could be safe in our own Country. 
It is my timely “Descent from the Cross” that reflected the 60's and the Vietnam War.

Anyway, we were asked to get back on the “prop.” After getting settled with the seat belt, I could see the right engine and propeller out my window. The engine revved up but failed to start, twice; but on the third try it finally started. Oh, what else can happen? 

In San Antonio, I was met by my sister and my brother-in-law who finally explained why I there. They told me that my Mom’s Mom had passed away. Oh, I thought. So sad. She was always so loving to me. This would continue to be a sad trip.

They drove us to my uncle’s big house where I found many people standing around in every room. Loud festive music was playing. These relatives/ friends were laughing, cutting up, eating tamales, telling stories, etc. I was confused.

I finally found my Mom who was surrounded by people who loved her. After our usual hug, I said, “Mom, this looks like a party. I thought Granny passed away.” Mom said, “Sylvia, we all know that she is in heaven. Why should we be sad? So we are just celebrating her life tonight.” 

I would understand this concept more in my future, but as a 20 year old, at that moment, it was weird. Matter of fact, the whole trip was weird. “Okay, pass me a tamale. This one’s for you, Granny.”

Friday, September 21, 2012

...............What is it?

I feel something strange near my hand. I extend my arm and feel a round thing. Oh, it's a ball. I grab it and immediately, my dog, Lexi grabs it too with her mouth. She is fixed on it. I know she wants me to throw it. Hey, I would love to play with you, but it's 4am and I am in bed. We area both in bed. 
How does this dog, that looks so asleep, jumps up and wants to play at any time? I need to get back to sleep. I am thinking of her at attention! It's hard for me to ignore that and just go back to sleep, so I do what I should never do. I sit up and THROW THE BALL!!! Lexi shoots off the bed like after a chipmunk, just to retrieve it and bring it near my hand again.  I say, "No, get to sleep!" and she does; but... I have to tease her by moving my hand to see if she is really asleep. Ha! NOPE. She is waiting for the next pitch.

Speaking of pitches, I am a football person. I have never understood baseball or the love of baseball or its overwhelming attraction to some of my friends. My idea is this: In football, more action, more screaming.  In baseball, if no one hits the ball, everyone screams... (?) This is strange to me. 
However, in October every year, I like to watch the playoffs on TV because they explain what every one is "thinking." Ha!  How do they know???  It does make it more fun for me, but probably boring or redundant to the fan.

The NY Mets 
made him shave 
his beard...ha! 2011

However, to try to crawl into the sport, I thought I would read a book that was featured on Nashville Public Radio. It was interesting to hear "R.A." speak, so I ordered the book from the library. I have waited weeks for it to come to my library and finally got my turn to read R.A. Dickey's book, "Whenever I wind up: My quest for truth, authenticity, and the perfect knuckleball."  I recommend it. It has Christian overtones in its writing which I personally enjoyed. Here is the case of a guy who went to the minors, then was sent to the majors, just to be sent back to the minors, all the while dragging along his wife and kids, etc.  
It is a good read. You can finish it all in one day. Hope you take it for a ride. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

I saw this Creepy Crawler on my blouse! Yikes!

Look! I saw long feelers. Chills quickly ran thru my body. It was on my white blouse when I glanced down. Oh, I slapped at that nasty thing. It didn't fall off! WHAT?
A button? What?
Relax, Sylvia, Breathe...
Too much late scary TV!
Ooooo, I know it is a button, but I can still feel it crawling up my blouse.

Monday, August 27, 2012

When is a BALL not a BALL?

I have been throwing this ball to my little Silky Terrier, Lexi; but she has torn into it the way she wishes she could tear into the UPS man who comes by the window.

My question is this:
Can I still call this a ball when it looks like a half-eaten apple? It bounces and has a wobbly roll when I throw it. Ha! Do I still call it a ball?
"Lexi get the wobbly (?) ball" haha!
Next, I will have to begin to throw the larger pieces of what's left!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I just love Advertising... That's why I Majored in it!

How can I say, "No!" to the big brown eyes of my dog, Lexi, as I look down into this bag of MilkBone... hoping that there is one doggy treat left.
In the photo, you will notice that I do have one treat for my pooch.

More importantly, you will see a "printed AD" which is the bottom of this red and white cellophane MilkBone bag. It comes thru the cellophane upside down because of how I am holding the bag, but it is still readable.
This AD reassures me, as a customer, that this product is making my dog "happy (?)."
I consider this a real Advertising success!

This process reminds me of an artist friend who would always put his name at odd places on his paintings.
He and I were painting at the Art Institute of Chicago when I asked him, "Why do you do this?" He told me, "As artists, we control the eye movements of the person looking at our paintings." "As a result," he said, "when the eye moves around my painting and finally leaves it, maybe seconds later, my name will be the last thing any person will see." Ha! Smart!
This principle is used today when Commercial Ads on tv put their name impress their audience to buy their product.
I don't know, but this guy probably majored in Advertising as well.

All this came back today as I looked down into this doggy bag. The dog got her treat and I got a sweet art memory. Ain't life grand!

New Experience! it? NOT!

Okay, I have just finished peeling my orange...
I put it on the plate, turn on the garbage disposal and water, throw the orange peelings in my new garbage disposal, and grab for the soap that's on my pretty soap dish.

The wet soap slips out of my hand and falls straight down into the black hole of the garbage disposal ... Gone!
The time it took the garbage diposal to consume my favorite bar of soap can be measured in milli-seconds!
Bah Humbug!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Falling at 200 MPH Is "a Great Stress Reliever"

This Lady is an independent wine-buying consultant in New York City who has taken up SKY DIVING!
Check it out. I read it in the Wall Street Journal today. READ:

I have to say that this video reflects someone who has been sipping at the "wine" for maybe too many years. She's nuts! ha! Watch the video:

Monday, July 30, 2012

Doesn't this look good to you? Have you tried any?

Today, I stopped by the Nashville Library and checked out a lame book about how to write short stories. The author recommended in thousands of words that I can write effectively by following the next 3 suggestions:
a. write out the idea or the facts;
b. then write the same incident again, but using the emotions I felt at the time; and
c. then note what meaning comes of it.

I think the author is a spiritual guru; but I can always learn from everyone, so let me give it a try:

a. Okay, these are the facts of this fiasco. After stopping by the Library, I reached for the Mocha Cappuccino Jif that was sitting on the end of the aisle at Walmart. I said out loud, "There should be a law against making this stuff." (note the photo) I picked it up with my left hand and Boom! I dropped it. The glass container went squash on the linoleum. ha! I found a lady who said she would send someone out to clean it. I offered to pay. She said, "Not necessary and smiled."

I kinda wanted to stick my finger in the gooey mess on the floor to find out what it tastes like, but I probably would have cut myself on the glass.

b. What were my emotions? Can I say that my emotions were embarrassment for being clutsey and humor at the same time. It looked like a pile of dark mud with a peanut-butter cap on it. ha! It imploded! Broken glass all over the heap of poo.

Do I feel like a writer yet?... well, uh...No!

c. Is there meaning? Humm...I would say that I will have to work on paying attention to what I'm doing and not staring at that good lookin' guy who walked by; and oh, I will have to work on strengthening my grip!

I bet you wish you had stopped after the 3 suggestions? jee!jee!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fish on a Bulletin

You have to see the humor in this...

I am cleaning things out of my closet and I found this Edgefield Baptist Church bulletin dated July 1986.

Jeni was 5 1/2 years old.
I think she was bored... Haha!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yikes, don't give chocolate to a parrot!

This is Tybee.

Years ago, the Veterinarian told me to give Tybee some of everything I eat. I have. His favorites are pizza, noodles, cheese, animal cracker, cookie, and even a chicken leg; but NO avocado, NOR chocolate. Okay. That has been easy, I've done it for 24 years.

Yesterday, I had just come into the apartment and was opening the cellophane on a large cookie! Tybee, my double-yellow Mexican parrot started yelling when he saw the food. That was usual. When I waved the cookie at him, he quickly shut up!
Ha! Works every time!
Tybee kept an eye on me until I gave him part of my cookie. It looked like an oatmeal raisin cookie which was safe; so I gave him a piece. But when I took my first bite, I realized it was a chocolate chip cookie! Oh no, the chocolate could kill him.

Panic! I quickly opened the cage door. With my hands inside Tybee's cage, I ruffled him to get the last piece out of his mouth/beak. No luck! You should have seen me fighting this dumb parrot! It was almost humorous.
I broke off most of the cookie, but Tybee was still rolling around a beak-full of something and dodging my hand. He was not giving in.

I knew what I had to do. I quickly distracted Tybee by giving him the peak of his desires...some peanut butter on a spoon. I knew this would work. Yep, Tybee dropped the cookie piece to take the spoon with his beak. Whew! I shot this photo after I gave him the spoon of peanut butter.

Well, today when I woke up, Tybee was alive. Apparently, he did not get to the chocolate in the cookie. Close call.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Which one was born in Mexico... Are you a Profiler?

This blond, green-eyed guy, Papá, who is grey-haired in the photo, was born in Méjico. Would he be arrested? No, not until they heard his Spanish accent. ha!

Would the Kid, who was born in the United States. have to go back to Mexico to live? No, because Papá became an American citizen before this Kid was born. Can't speak for the rest of their family. ha!

Yesterday, the Supreme Court shut down some of Arizona's [unfair] state laws that permitted officials to stop and jail, without warrants, anyone they thought or profiled to be undocumented.

As Alabama followed Arizona's lead, of course, the inevitable happened:
"Similar measures have been introduced in other states, including Alabama, which recently drew unwelcome attention when executives from German and Japanese car makers that the state had lured there were arrested for failing to produce immigration papers." Andrew Morse, WSJournal

Who carries documents to the grocery store???

Sunday, June 24, 2012

...Out for Dip'n Dots!!!

We stopped by Walgreens for some Dip'nDots today...
We decided to shoot a timed photo for Jeanie Dollar, who has been ill.
Jeni put the camera on the back of the slick, recently waxed, car (potential problem) trying to move us into position so she click the photo (click, click, click) and run in between Ryan an me.... This was the idea. Right?

Well, Jeni kept moving us. She said, "About 2 feet to the! make that 5 feet 3 feet to the right." Finally, Jeni says, "I'm trying to get that Krystal sign out of the photo.
The first picture is her Mom, ME, asking,"What Krystal sign?"

The second picture below was finally a "Go!" Whew!
Then we went inside and got our Dots! Yes, very cold at -42 degrees Fahrenheit, right out of the freezer. They were quite good, except the ones that fell on my...well...legs in the car on the way home!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I cannot eat a Crawdad. They were my pets.

These beautiful little critters are also called mud bugs because they are harvested in the mud. Today, my Nashville family goes to a big crawdad "broil" and has a great eating time. Yuk!

The few live crawdads that I have had during my lifetime were not thrown into hot boiling water; but rather, into my aquarium. I would love to see them go after the fish. Haha! Zany!

My only problem was that I had to make sure the light hood was secure on the aquarium. One day when I walked in, I found one taking off across the floor. I had to catch it and it looked just like this photo. Kinda spooky!

When one would escape, he would fall and live. Then he had to hide from the cat who would eventually catch him, play with him for awhile, and eventually eat him. The few I had were always escaping... until there were none.

My Mom's family and movies... This is the Majestic Theater

The Majestic Theater was built in 1929 and designed by John Eberson. It seats 2311 people and is now owned by the City of San Antonio for the San Antonio Symphony. A machine projects clouds that move over the vast ceiling inside (always did). The Majestic has 3 balconies that were renovated in 1989 and are functional today.

Now that Jeni is working with the ABC TV show "Nashville", did you know our family Quinones has always been in the movie business?

My Grandfather, Daniel Quinones, was the projectionist of the Majestic Theater in the 40's-50's, etc.

My uncles, Dan Quinones (Multiplex Cinemas in North Star Mall in 1950's-60's) and Aunt Ruth's husband, Eliud Garcia (Texas Theater 1950's) and their son, my cousin Jimmy Garcia (don't know where) were all projectionists.

For the record, my interest in movies began early. My Granny, Lydia Quinones, Mom's Mom, used to take me when I was very young (about 5-7 years old) to the second balcony of The Majestic Theater in downtown San Antonio, Texas. The second balcony was free to my Granny and me because my Grand Daddy's being the projectionist.

However, during those years, the second balcony was designated for negro people. My Granny and I would sit right in the middle of all these great people and enjoy the movies. Even at that early age it seemed an injustice to me as my Granny tried to explain why they had to sit in the second balcony. This was one of those times I kept asking, "Why?" I am so glad that has changed during my lifetime!

As Woody Woodpecker would say, "That's All Folks!"
I just wanted you to know...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Jeni is Following her Heart...

Well, it finally happened... Now the fun begins...

Jeni has finally, after much prayer and tossing, to quit a very good job at Vanderbilt Medical Center making videos to "follow her heart."

This is the trailer for a new ABC series this Fall. It is called "Nashville" and is being made here in Nashville. Hollywood has come to us.

Jeni is so excited and today is her first day.
Just wanted to share with you. Congrats to my Jeni.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My heart is still beating hard...

I "COMMENT"ed on the Wall Street Journal. Now, this is not like me, but I was happy with this report today.

A Oaxacan woman (Mexico) realized her husband had gone to the US to work and was not returning... This article describes the change in culture of the woman and the strength of this woman in particular in raising her 5 children by herself. She has become very successful in her field and of course, being a woman, helps others to succeed.
Her friend says, "Problems make you stronger. They wake you up."

My heart is calming now... but I'm still excited..haha!
I have decided to do things I have never done during my lifetime; of course, only if they are not immoral, illegal or fattening... hahahaha!
Have a good day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Buy a Hint?

I had an interesting experience...

You may know that my challenge has been to learn how to play any simple WordSearch puzzle.

I walked by a person who was working the puzzle so easily. I thought, "I could do that!"; but had never played them before. However, when I went to play, I just didn't see the words. I was really terrible at it!

So this was my challenge: To do so many of these WordFind Searches in newspapers, magazines, books, and online, so that I would understand the concept/gimmick in finding the words that run backwards, diagonally, etc.

This has been a simple thing but it has been my quest. Then, I was playing the free app "Word search" on my Android phone. I used the 3 hints available and when I hit the (-) mark at the word, "HINT," it sent me to this screen above where I could "BUY" more hints to finish the game....Whoa!

$2 for 10 hints...(?) Duh! Now I know HOW app businesses are getting money from people like me. I am sure there are those who would buy some hints rather than just keep looking or get another game.... ha! Mercy!
Thank the LORD I didn't have that need. I just went on without any "HINTS." ha! Interesting...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

This is a telephoto lens that goes on a reflex camera...

Okay, I remembered this dream this morning. Imagine that you are sitting next to me at the end of a long table. The room is bathed in sunlight coming in from a window on our left, where you can see ripe oranges on a tree outside.
On our right is my dearest friend. There are others at the table; but on our left at the other end is my friend's 94 year-old Mother who will be marrying a 92 year old on Monday. There is food on the table and I notice a large bowl of mashed potatoes that are piled extremely high in front of my friend's Mother.

In walks my older sister who loves cameras. She begins to sit down at the far end of the table when I tell her about the fantastic auto focus of my telephoto lens in my camera that is on the table in front of her.
My Sis automatically picks it up to look thru the lens when she unknowingly swooshes the end of the camera lens thru the mashed potatoes and looks outside. This is when I ask, "Is it the mashed potatoes or the oranges that are in focus?"

In my dream, I think this is so funny looking at that glob of mashed potatoes on the end of the camera lens that I laugh so hard I can't breathe. It is then that I wake up grasping air still laughing. Hahaha! Must have made too much noise. The disgruntled dog pushes my back with her leg. Hahaha! I'm up.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ever get Prostrate and Prostate mixed up?

I just heard that a young man used the word, "prostrate" for his father's illness.

I think it's from a hymn: "Let Angels prostrate fall..." I was at St Paul's Elementary Lutheran School, many years ago in a friday morning school church service, when I remember that I had the misfortune of singing "Let Angels prostate fall." We were kids and everything was funny.
However, it was probably, my friend Linda Tafolla, that heard what I sang. It got a big laugh, but I was innocent and didn't know what I had sung wrong. We were so very young.. ha! But again I always sang "fair are the tomatoes" rather than "fair are the meadows" in another hymn.

Now that I thinking about it, I used to get teased with my Castile Hills church friends in San Antonio in the early '70's for not knowing to use the right word, "crotch" or "crouch." This came up with the music of Andre Crouch. I think I kept saying Andre Crotch. ha! Long time ago.

Anyway, aren't we blessed to have an education...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring!...but my head was the one that sprung.

Another New Experience that involved melting frozen food...

I went about 15 miles from home to save some money by buying at Aldi. When I arrived I walked across the parking lot to Bargain Hunt to get some very good quality printing paper at very cheap prices.
I was tiffed because the woman who checked me out had the personality of dirt and never said a word more than the price. As I walked out, I was complaining in my head when I saw a woman across the parking lot dragging her disabled leg behind her. Oh My! The LORD quickly reminded me that I was able to walk. Attitude change.
In that repent-full vein, I walked back to my car parked at Aldi, used my key to pop the trunk open, got my shopping bags, took the wallet out of my purse, remembered to get my quarter for the push cart, and purposefully left my purse and extra bags, and shut the trunk.

I went into Aldi, bought sterile water by the case, food, and frozen food, and smartly paid from my wallet that was in my pants pocket. However, not until I walked outside to the car did I realize that I did not have MY CAR KEYS. I must have looked like a crazy person frisking my entire body-- from boobs where I put my keys sometimes, to my pants pockets.
I had left my purse with MY KEYS and phone in the trunk of the car. Now, I drive a Cadillac DS, so I know that no one can gimmie it open. (All triple AAA could do would be to haul the car to my apartment. Remember the frozen food???) I went inside Aldi, pulling my melting frozen food behind me, and found a young man to call a taxi.

So I waited, melt melt, and waited till finally a taxivan took me the 15 miles back to my apartment.
I had gotten in with a hidden spare key. The driver emptied the van and helped me carry my food to the door of my home but made the mistake of teasing the dog. This causes her to bark. He continued to help me, now fighting the barking dog the entire way. ha! I quickly put the frozen food up as the taxivan clock was ticking..$$. Done. Phew!
On our way back, this heavily-accented father of 3 children and I discussed his recent arrival to Nashville, his accent and languages. The hardest thing for him to learn to drive a taxi in Nashville was how one street can have so many names i.e. Harding Road, Thompson Lane, Briley Parkway--all the same street. haha! He also mentioned his mother, who he said, he calls regularly, and who has many cattle and goats in Ethiopia, etc. Very interesting.

When we got to my car at Aldi, I found out that this money saving venture only cost me the economical groceries and $25 for taxi fare. I also graciously gave him a $5 tip for hauling the 24-bottle case of water and groceries to my front door while having to fight off my barking dog. What an experience!

BTW: The food was still frozen. Freezer bags work~~

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Don't you just LOVE new experiences?

Well, I sleep on a very big bed with my female Silky Terrier, Lexi. (Notice the long thin rat-liked nose.)
Lexi likes to snuggle next to warm me at night. She will have taken over my warm spot when I get up and then I have to move her to climb back into bed.

Late last night returning from the bathroom, I walked up to the bed and scratched the sheet with my fingers to purposely make a lot of noise to wake her. I knew I would have to move her. I love teasing Lexi since I know she naturally responds to any movement or sound.

However, the joke was on me because she had responded and was much closer to me than I expected. So, when I leaned down to say "Hey!", she was standing right next to me and her nose touched my right sleepy eye and Pop! Static electricity! I saw light!

The static I generated with my hand and her COLD WET NOSE made for perfect conditions to hear a big pop!
I SAW a flash in my right eye like when you touch someone and it sparks. It didn't hurt, but it surprised me. Of course, the dog jumped and whelped since it shocked her wet nose. Haha! We were both spent!
This was a new experience for me.