Friday, September 21, 2012

...............What is it?

I feel something strange near my hand. I extend my arm and feel a round thing. Oh, it's a ball. I grab it and immediately, my dog, Lexi grabs it too with her mouth. She is fixed on it. I know she wants me to throw it. Hey, I would love to play with you, but it's 4am and I am in bed. We area both in bed. 
How does this dog, that looks so asleep, jumps up and wants to play at any time? I need to get back to sleep. I am thinking of her at attention! It's hard for me to ignore that and just go back to sleep, so I do what I should never do. I sit up and THROW THE BALL!!! Lexi shoots off the bed like after a chipmunk, just to retrieve it and bring it near my hand again.  I say, "No, get to sleep!" and she does; but... I have to tease her by moving my hand to see if she is really asleep. Ha! NOPE. She is waiting for the next pitch.

Speaking of pitches, I am a football person. I have never understood baseball or the love of baseball or its overwhelming attraction to some of my friends. My idea is this: In football, more action, more screaming.  In baseball, if no one hits the ball, everyone screams... (?) This is strange to me. 
However, in October every year, I like to watch the playoffs on TV because they explain what every one is "thinking." Ha!  How do they know???  It does make it more fun for me, but probably boring or redundant to the fan.

The NY Mets 
made him shave 
his beard...ha! 2011

However, to try to crawl into the sport, I thought I would read a book that was featured on Nashville Public Radio. It was interesting to hear "R.A." speak, so I ordered the book from the library. I have waited weeks for it to come to my library and finally got my turn to read R.A. Dickey's book, "Whenever I wind up: My quest for truth, authenticity, and the perfect knuckleball."  I recommend it. It has Christian overtones in its writing which I personally enjoyed. Here is the case of a guy who went to the minors, then was sent to the majors, just to be sent back to the minors, all the while dragging along his wife and kids, etc.  
It is a good read. You can finish it all in one day. Hope you take it for a ride. 

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