Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Won't Do That Again

Oh my! I came in early at 5pm to stay the night at this very expensive Nursing Home where I sit a lady I call "My Lady." These women are prima dona's at this facility; are in the beginning stages of dementia and do things they would have never been caught doing in their earlier life. Their hair is fixed weekly, have faithful visitors; but most can not carry on a conversation or know whether or not they have eaten recently. I am not being critical, I am just seeing what I have never seen before. This is all new!

Today, because I usually come in after dinner at 7pm, I brought in something to eat for dinner. I fed My Lady at 5:30pm when her warm food tray showed up in the TV room where we were. After she ate, she sat in her wheel chair and went to sleep. I thought that this would be a good time for me to eat my dinner. She was asleep, it was 6:15pm and I was hungry. I began to eat. At that time, My Lady started picking her nose and digging and flicking away from me. Oh my! I woke her up and gave her a tissue to use. Yeah, Right! I thought I would gag! I won't do this again!

So, to calm my gag reflex, I looked beyond her at the next table where I saw a Technical Assistant (a helper which I call "Tech") leave two patients at a table. One started to cough. The Tech said,"Good sound. We know she's alive (?)" as the Tech walked out the door to dispose of the used food tray. I thought that was strange; but not as strange as watching the lady at the table who leaned over and raised the coughing lady's arm to help her stop coughing. When the Tech returned, the patient who was helpful said, "I was scared that she was going to..." as she put her tongue out the side of her mouth and threw her head to the side like someone dead. The Tech and I both broke out laughing. ha. Who knew?

By the way, when the male nurse came by to give My Lady her pill for the evening, she woke up out of a slumber and shook his hand...ha!..if he only knew. Where are my disposable wipes????

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You sent a test comment to yourself!
    Agh, the handy wipes. Now I know one more thing to get you for your bday!
