Saturday, June 4, 2011

There I was...

It's Saturday...
One moment I am in the prayer room at Brentwood updating a Prayer Request Book to see how we can pray. Next, I am praying with a lady named "Sally," whose son has just come out of jail with 6 months probation, drinks too much, doesn't want anything to do with church, and will begin summer school on Monday.
We pray together
. She is so thankful for the call. It had been 6 months since anyone had contacted her. I tell her that Christ is the only hope and to trust Him
for everything.
On the way out the prayer room door, I ask the Lord,
"Is this what you want me to do?" "Pray with people?"

Then, I leave, stop in for a late lunch and in 10 minutes I am arm in arm with a great big cow at ChickFilet.
Hot Dog! What a rush. I love being retired.

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