Friday, June 17, 2011

Ok, the US Postal System has a serious side, but you can see by the light drawings in these stamps that the US Government has "feelings" and puts out stamps with the word LOVE, with flowers, turtle doves, sexy strawberries (remember Hieronymous Bosch ) and butterflies... How sweet!

I also found and purchased a stamp that has an iridescent "Celebrate" on it.
How much fun we have with our Postal Services...

I have lived many years, but today, I saw something I have never seen in a Post Office before. I was in line behind a friendly looking older lady. An older man, comfortable in cut-offs, was mailing two packages. ONE was in a Saltines Cracker blue box and the other ONE was a Leggo Eggo yellow Box.
This lady in front of me and I could not help but notice that the Post Man behind the counter had weighed and was putting stamps on these boxes.
I quietly said to my new friend in front of me, "Maybe he is mailing crackers and waffles to his MOM." "How sweet."

This lady turned and said, "I can't believe that they don't have to be wrapped in brown paper with string or in a brown box with tape." "
Actually," I told her, "I didn't think a Saltine box could hold up without being crushed.

It was really hard for me to keep a straight face. Quietly, I leaned into and turned to this unknown lady that still had a smile on her face and said, "Think they would let me mail a tampon box to my daughter?" Haha! We both laughed...
I love retired life!!!

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