Monday, June 20, 2011

Do you have a friend...

....that every time you are with them,
they make you laugh?

This is Leigh Ann in the photo. I picked up Leigh Ann today, drove over to Otter's restaurant and both of us ordered some chicken tenders. We were early so there were few people to disturb which is always good when Leigh Ann and I are together. (Missed Becky.)
Innocently, she picked up a bottle of ketchup like the one in her hand from the shelf and sat down at our table. When she held it over her food and proceeded to flip the bottom down, it exploded!
Now, the sound was like a loud giant raspberry and more. (My first thought was some one was going to blame the "big girl--ME" for making that sound...ha!)

When we realized what had happen, Leigh Ann and I started laughing out loud. There was ketchup everywhere on her side of the table. (It was funnier for me because none of it was on me.)
I watched her as she began wiping ketchup off her lap and asking if there was any in her hair. When I looked at her, I laughed even harder. She had what looked like an embroidered orange necklace of splattered ketchup across the top of her blouse. By this time I was splitting a gut.

It was seeping out of the closed bottle. It was a pukey fermented orange color that had swallowed her chicken tenders. Yuk! We were laughing and dobbing with paper napkins. When we could finally breathe, she decided to exit to the restroom to clean her blouse, arms, face, etc. (She definitely needed a "bath" room more than a restroom today. ha.) Laughing so hard, I couldn't talk.

While she was gone, I picked up the exploded ketchup bottle and gave it back to the friendly order takers. I gave the tenders to the cook who remade them and put even more on her new order. They credited back all her money. Today, it took us an extra 15 minutes to finally eat. ha!...but we learned about Great Customer Service!
I dropped her off at work and drove off with a silly grin on my face...haha! She was muttering something about turning her blouse around.

Aren't we blessed when remembering a friend brings a big smile to our heart? God bless friends....


  1. who puts ketchup on their chicken tenders? Hilarious. Next time, make sure she's wearing a bib Sylvia :o)

  2. Haha! It is always something with her...
