Friday, June 10, 2011

How much is money worth???

This is Jen and me but,
I am so blessed to know someone who has given her life to help children with Aids in South Africa.
I have been praying for Ashley for many years. She lives a Spartan life in Capetown. The children run to her when she walks down the street. She easily manifests God's love.
Ashley is in town for a couple of weeks raising money to help her live a little easier. She asked me if I would pledge $10.00 a month at a prayer meeting last Sunday afternoon. Really, that is a hamburger at Ruby Tuesday's! I asked her what $10.00 would buy. She said it would pay for about 10 days transportation of her coming and going to work on a train. I am so spoiled. I just go outside and get in my car and take the dog to get her nails clipped for $9. How mundane.

What a life!
Ashley is not with any organization beside our church in Nashville who has offered to help her with basic needs. This is her second decade down there. She says it is "home" and "can't wait to get back." I smile. She is a beautiful young 30 year old. I see Ashley's earthly father, Bill, take a deep breath, hug Ashley and encourage her even more to follow the Lord. I know those words must choke in his throat as he says them, however, Bill knows that God will keep her, because HE promises to keep his children.

Personally, I think that maybe it could have been my daughter. She is about the same age; so I love Ashley all the more for Who He Is in her. I thank the LORD that He is raising up
young people, who know the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and simply trust and obey God and follow Him.

What faith in action. Thank you Jesus.
Wanted to share Jesus with you today.

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