Saturday, May 1, 2010

Silent Knight is what it says...

Well, this is a new experience for me. The Silent Knight is a pill crusher. In the Nursing Home, the nurse puts a pill in the little bag, ties it with a rubber band and places it behind the black part of the metal. He or she then proceeds to push down on the handle again and again and again to pulverize the dickens out of the poor little pill. (I have seen chimpanzees on nature shows get the same results with a large rock.)
This process can be for administering something as simple as Tylonol. After doing this, the pulverized Tylonol will then be placed in a spoon full of flavored sugar-free yogurt in a 2oz. cup. It will be thoroughly mixed and be given to the resident on a disposable spoon followed with a chaser of cold water through a flexible straw. This goes on all the time.
The "Silent" part of Silent Knight is a joke. The nurses are heard and seen slamming it down to break up a variety of obstinate little pills. The noise is heard by the residents in their rooms down the hall and are known to say "Come In!" repeatedly.
BTW: McDonald straws do not bend.

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