Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Funeral Instructions...for the record!

In 3 hours I will be 66 and expect to cause trouble into my 80's; but I got this list of questions recently and decided to type them out tonight FOR THE RECORD!
This was a good suggestion in the Tennessean to discuss death and funerals:
I hope you use these suggestions so that you know how I’d like my Memorial (funeral) handled:

• Full name Sylvia Jeanne Westrup

• Date and place of birth: May 12, 1944 San Antonio, Texas, USA
• Parents’ names: Henry de los Santos Westrup and Agnes Quinones Westrup
• Preferred funeral home: Christian
• Whether you want to be cremated and if so what you want to be done with your ashes: Cremated and put in a large gum container and buried secretly at night in Shelby Park. Then it will be Mom's Park! ha!(Maybe next to Jerry the bird.)
• Where you want to have your funeral service: Wherever I die...
• Where you would like to be buried..in Shelby Park or a park where I live.
• What readings you would like to have included: Bible: The return of Christ where we all will be raised to meet Jesus in the air.
• What songs or hymns you would like: Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus, again and again and again. Hum it at first, then sing it softly, and then have everyone join in...sounds like fun.
• What you would like to wear: cremated first, buried, then the Memorial. Bright colors for those attending! A joyous occasion!
• What, if anything you want to be buried with you: a small rock, of course.
• What you would like to have on your grave marker: No grave marker, Kiddo
• What kind of flowers you prefer: Give money in lieu of flowers (for the cremation).
• Any other special instructions: Make it a celebration because I will be watching and don't want to be bored...ha! I could use a Banner written in English Text at front table that says,"The shell has been cremated, the Nut has gone to be with Jesus." I always loved that thought!!!
• Suggested pallbearers: None needed.
• People who should be notified at the time of death and their contact information: Whoever is alive who would care.

If I am in an accident, let the relatives know that I loved them dearly. My dream death is being found dead with earphones on listening to my favorite music. If I am old and die a natural death, let anyone know that it was about time...ja!

Just remember that I am with Jesus so this should NOT be hard. Keep Him first in your life. Remember that death is just the doorway to be with Jesus, then you should be happy! I am now and I will be when it happens. I love you and today I am 66 and waiting for those Kids you, Jen, will have so that I can spoil them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mom! You're a mess. Thanks for all the instructions. Of course, I can't stand thinking about the need of a funeral... but always good to think ahead :) Get ready to play with my kiddos for years to come! love ya!
