Monday, June 27, 2011

It is great to see a live armadillo.

Texas is dry and needing rain. See the armadillo...

See an armadillo take a bath...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Do you have a friend...

....that every time you are with them,
they make you laugh?

This is Leigh Ann in the photo. I picked up Leigh Ann today, drove over to Otter's restaurant and both of us ordered some chicken tenders. We were early so there were few people to disturb which is always good when Leigh Ann and I are together. (Missed Becky.)
Innocently, she picked up a bottle of ketchup like the one in her hand from the shelf and sat down at our table. When she held it over her food and proceeded to flip the bottom down, it exploded!
Now, the sound was like a loud giant raspberry and more. (My first thought was some one was going to blame the "big girl--ME" for making that sound...ha!)

When we realized what had happen, Leigh Ann and I started laughing out loud. There was ketchup everywhere on her side of the table. (It was funnier for me because none of it was on me.)
I watched her as she began wiping ketchup off her lap and asking if there was any in her hair. When I looked at her, I laughed even harder. She had what looked like an embroidered orange necklace of splattered ketchup across the top of her blouse. By this time I was splitting a gut.

It was seeping out of the closed bottle. It was a pukey fermented orange color that had swallowed her chicken tenders. Yuk! We were laughing and dobbing with paper napkins. When we could finally breathe, she decided to exit to the restroom to clean her blouse, arms, face, etc. (She definitely needed a "bath" room more than a restroom today. ha.) Laughing so hard, I couldn't talk.

While she was gone, I picked up the exploded ketchup bottle and gave it back to the friendly order takers. I gave the tenders to the cook who remade them and put even more on her new order. They credited back all her money. Today, it took us an extra 15 minutes to finally eat. ha!...but we learned about Great Customer Service!
I dropped her off at work and drove off with a silly grin on my face...haha! She was muttering something about turning her blouse around.

Aren't we blessed when remembering a friend brings a big smile to our heart? God bless friends....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ok, the US Postal System has a serious side, but you can see by the light drawings in these stamps that the US Government has "feelings" and puts out stamps with the word LOVE, with flowers, turtle doves, sexy strawberries (remember Hieronymous Bosch ) and butterflies... How sweet!

I also found and purchased a stamp that has an iridescent "Celebrate" on it.
How much fun we have with our Postal Services...

I have lived many years, but today, I saw something I have never seen in a Post Office before. I was in line behind a friendly looking older lady. An older man, comfortable in cut-offs, was mailing two packages. ONE was in a Saltines Cracker blue box and the other ONE was a Leggo Eggo yellow Box.
This lady in front of me and I could not help but notice that the Post Man behind the counter had weighed and was putting stamps on these boxes.
I quietly said to my new friend in front of me, "Maybe he is mailing crackers and waffles to his MOM." "How sweet."

This lady turned and said, "I can't believe that they don't have to be wrapped in brown paper with string or in a brown box with tape." "
Actually," I told her, "I didn't think a Saltine box could hold up without being crushed.

It was really hard for me to keep a straight face. Quietly, I leaned into and turned to this unknown lady that still had a smile on her face and said, "Think they would let me mail a tampon box to my daughter?" Haha! We both laughed...
I love retired life!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

How much is money worth???

This is Jen and me but,
I am so blessed to know someone who has given her life to help children with Aids in South Africa.
I have been praying for Ashley for many years. She lives a Spartan life in Capetown. The children run to her when she walks down the street. She easily manifests God's love.
Ashley is in town for a couple of weeks raising money to help her live a little easier. She asked me if I would pledge $10.00 a month at a prayer meeting last Sunday afternoon. Really, that is a hamburger at Ruby Tuesday's! I asked her what $10.00 would buy. She said it would pay for about 10 days transportation of her coming and going to work on a train. I am so spoiled. I just go outside and get in my car and take the dog to get her nails clipped for $9. How mundane.

What a life!
Ashley is not with any organization beside our church in Nashville who has offered to help her with basic needs. This is her second decade down there. She says it is "home" and "can't wait to get back." I smile. She is a beautiful young 30 year old. I see Ashley's earthly father, Bill, take a deep breath, hug Ashley and encourage her even more to follow the Lord. I know those words must choke in his throat as he says them, however, Bill knows that God will keep her, because HE promises to keep his children.

Personally, I think that maybe it could have been my daughter. She is about the same age; so I love Ashley all the more for Who He Is in her. I thank the LORD that He is raising up
young people, who know the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and simply trust and obey God and follow Him.

What faith in action. Thank you Jesus.
Wanted to share Jesus with you today.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

There I was...

It's Saturday...
One moment I am in the prayer room at Brentwood updating a Prayer Request Book to see how we can pray. Next, I am praying with a lady named "Sally," whose son has just come out of jail with 6 months probation, drinks too much, doesn't want anything to do with church, and will begin summer school on Monday.
We pray together
. She is so thankful for the call. It had been 6 months since anyone had contacted her. I tell her that Christ is the only hope and to trust Him
for everything.
On the way out the prayer room door, I ask the Lord,
"Is this what you want me to do?" "Pray with people?"

Then, I leave, stop in for a late lunch and in 10 minutes I am arm in arm with a great big cow at ChickFilet.
Hot Dog! What a rush. I love being retired.