Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let's Move On...

You are looking at our Silky and part of a line of 20 bags that will be hauled off. They contain about 400 6-hour VHS tapes in black plastic cases. Each tape is documented in an index book and printed descriptions taped in 3 spiral notebooks. When I mentioned to my Mom the amount of time and money she was investing to record movie after movie, she told me that this was what she did for a living and to leave her alone. Ha! What Mom did, she did
a todo dar.
Mom started recording in 1983 and died in 1998 at 85.
I inherited 6 book shelves that housed 1300 VHS tapes in black cases.
Any person would have loved to own this library of the best movies at their fingertips.
Then came Netflix where I can stream the majority of these movies into my home in HD. Who knew? Mom didn't.
Whew! It has taken 12 years, but I am down to the last 200 of these VHS tapes that are not available on Netflix. I will look at them, maybe copy some of them onto DVDs and that will be that. What a timely heritage and a waste of money. I feel like an albatross has been taken off my back by donating these tapes and it is only the beginning to a simplified life. Mine.


  1. I love this post. And Granny's memory. I'm so proud of you for simplifying your life! It's *not* easy! Love you mom!

  2. Funny. I loved your mom. I think it is good to move a lot. We didn't and so I am up to my eyeballs in clutter. I don't like to go through this stuff for the very reason you exposes a glaring waste of money and it screams "what were you thinking?" ...and "what do you do with this stuff now?" It's stressing but you do feel great to get rid of stuff.

    Oh...and what really is crazy...all the duplicates. You didn't address that. I bet we have twenty cans of half used cans of de-ice-er and at least six ice scrapers (we only have two cars)...I think they are mating.
