Friday, August 31, 2012

I saw this Creepy Crawler on my blouse! Yikes!

Look! I saw long feelers. Chills quickly ran thru my body. It was on my white blouse when I glanced down. Oh, I slapped at that nasty thing. It didn't fall off! WHAT?
A button? What?
Relax, Sylvia, Breathe...
Too much late scary TV!
Ooooo, I know it is a button, but I can still feel it crawling up my blouse.

Monday, August 27, 2012

When is a BALL not a BALL?

I have been throwing this ball to my little Silky Terrier, Lexi; but she has torn into it the way she wishes she could tear into the UPS man who comes by the window.

My question is this:
Can I still call this a ball when it looks like a half-eaten apple? It bounces and has a wobbly roll when I throw it. Ha! Do I still call it a ball?
"Lexi get the wobbly (?) ball" haha!
Next, I will have to begin to throw the larger pieces of what's left!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I just love Advertising... That's why I Majored in it!

How can I say, "No!" to the big brown eyes of my dog, Lexi, as I look down into this bag of MilkBone... hoping that there is one doggy treat left.
In the photo, you will notice that I do have one treat for my pooch.

More importantly, you will see a "printed AD" which is the bottom of this red and white cellophane MilkBone bag. It comes thru the cellophane upside down because of how I am holding the bag, but it is still readable.
This AD reassures me, as a customer, that this product is making my dog "happy (?)."
I consider this a real Advertising success!

This process reminds me of an artist friend who would always put his name at odd places on his paintings.
He and I were painting at the Art Institute of Chicago when I asked him, "Why do you do this?" He told me, "As artists, we control the eye movements of the person looking at our paintings." "As a result," he said, "when the eye moves around my painting and finally leaves it, maybe seconds later, my name will be the last thing any person will see." Ha! Smart!
This principle is used today when Commercial Ads on tv put their name impress their audience to buy their product.
I don't know, but this guy probably majored in Advertising as well.

All this came back today as I looked down into this doggy bag. The dog got her treat and I got a sweet art memory. Ain't life grand!

New Experience! it? NOT!

Okay, I have just finished peeling my orange...
I put it on the plate, turn on the garbage disposal and water, throw the orange peelings in my new garbage disposal, and grab for the soap that's on my pretty soap dish.

The wet soap slips out of my hand and falls straight down into the black hole of the garbage disposal ... Gone!
The time it took the garbage diposal to consume my favorite bar of soap can be measured in milli-seconds!
Bah Humbug!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Falling at 200 MPH Is "a Great Stress Reliever"

This Lady is an independent wine-buying consultant in New York City who has taken up SKY DIVING!
Check it out. I read it in the Wall Street Journal today. READ:

I have to say that this video reflects someone who has been sipping at the "wine" for maybe too many years. She's nuts! ha! Watch the video: