Thursday, February 3, 2011

There is a Balm in Gilead

Early this morning the radio alarm started. I heard the news of Cairo, Egypt. They were saying that after a week of peaceful confrontation in the streets, those Egyptians for and those against the President leaving office were now throwing bombs (moletov cocktails) at each other.
I quietly said "Hello" to the Lord in prayer and in my mind began singing the hymn, "There is a Balm in Gilead" or was that Cairo? Balm or bomb? Then I woke up...

I was still sleepy and petted the dog thinking how I needed to bathe her today. Reaching over the covers, I sleepily lay my hand across my chest; but felt some hard bumps at the bottom of my breast. I startled and thought, "Oh no! a lump!" I quickly got up, moved the covers away, to find two small buttons that were on my jammy. Whew! What a way to wake up! I quickly got up and thanked the Lord I didn't feel anything...
Good Morning Vietnam!!!

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