Monday, December 20, 2010

Okay, this is the story...

Part 1. I was ignoring Lexi by typing at my desk. She sits on the couch and is able to reach out and touch my shoulder sometimes that makes me freak out. I think I am alone till I feel this touch. Whew.

Part 2.
To entertain Lexi and to keep her busy so I can work, sometimes I take a whole walnut and throw it so she will go chase it. It bounces and makes a lot of noise on my linoleum kitchen floor, so this is fun for me also.

Part 3.
Today, I was very busy since it is close to Christmas. Lexi is sitting behind me with something rolling around in her mouth. I know I hadn't thrown a walnut, so I try to look in her mouth but she will not let me have it. I chase her all over the house till I corner her. I have to pry her mouth open and what do I find? NOT a walnut, but the little lamb from the Baby Jesus Nativity Set that is on the kitchen table! They are similar in size but do NOT make the same sound in her mouth.

The end.
As you see, all is okay. After a stern talk to her I moved the chair back under the table so this wouldn't happen again. I found a walnut and threw it into the kitchen!

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