Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hello Puffed Tacos!

As you can see in the photo, the puffed tacos were professionally cooked and for your information
tasted delicious.

I just got back from San Antonio, Texas,
where I was hoping to eat a plate of chicken puffed tacos.
I went to three different restaurants that advertised "puffy" tacos, but they were terrible. (So is that name. ha!) They were too large, too flat, not crisp, cooked in cold oil so soaked with oil [yuk], and finished off with tomato sauce instead of a couple fresh tomatoes pieces, etc.

As soon as I got back to Nashville, I decided to see if I still could make a good puffed taco. It had been 28 years since I had made any. It was great to cook them and teach my daughter and her fiance how to make them.

Before the Kids arrived, I cooked a ground turkey "guiso" rather than beef to be spooned inside these tacos shells. After a few spoonfuls of this mixture in the middle of these taco shells, I put thinly sliced lettuce and a few fresh tomatoes on top. To die for! They were just perfect. I'm so content that puffed tacos still exist in my life.

Apparently, San Antonio has "lost it." Our chain of 12 El Rancho Mexican Restaurants were the "originators" of the puffed taco in San Antonio and sold thousands from 1941 to 1980. I was hoping that the city would continue the tradition. Nope. Their loss.

1 comment:


    Yum...and I have never eaten any since as good. You are right could make a killing selling those!!!! Maybe you should set up a puffed taco stand ... the gen-U-Wine deal!!!
