Thursday, November 18, 2010

Violin right cross...gonna miss it!

This has been a crazy year in my life.
I was asked recently why I was quitting my job at the nursing home. Oh, did I tell you? I'm quitting my job... I was asked if I was "kicked out" of My Lady's room?
No, she didn't kick me out; but I DID duck a right cross.

It was my turn to take over one night last week, My Lady was painfully mean and aggressive when I arrived upstairs in the room at 10pm. She had pulled all her clothes off calling the Tech stupid, hateful, etc. The Tech finally was able to get My Lady's bed clothes back on her body and was able to physically put her back into bed without getting hurt. The Tech smiled at me and said, "Good luck with her tonight." and left.

This night, as I leaned over to adjust My Lady's pillow as usual. But when I looked in her eyes, I quickly remembered some of her past aggression. What was in the back of my mind quickly scampered to the front of my brain when I saw her right fist come across her body toward my face. I moved quickly out of the way! Whew. I had missed her "violin right cross."

I quickly went to the nurse and insisted that he give her prescribed drug, ASAP. So, after her taking the medicine and calling the doctor "inept" as he walked out the door, [ha!] I had the joy of the next 30 sarcastic minutes with her referring to me as "that woman behind the curtain" where I was hiding [ha!], she finally fell asleep like a baby. Praise the Lord for drugs and this job!
However, this is
not why I am leaving.
It's just time! Except for these "bouts" ha! that happen more frequently nowadays, my Lady's health appears to be better off now than when I first began working for her. For me, staying up all night every other day has been rough on me.

This work has opened my eyes to older people, the people who take care of them, and to the world around me. I am so blessed. Gonna miss it!

1 comment:

  1. Syl...why don't these nursing homes create two levels of patients. Those who still have their mind and memory and those who already in another world?

    My sister was in a nursing facility on and off over six years (giving her husband a rest) ... and the worst part for here was having to deal with people who Alzheimer dementia. When she finally had to go (just be fore her death) it was pretty devastating because of this reason. I think she could have adjusted to a nursing facility if she had had a roommate who was still on the planet. I wonder.
