On our right is my dearest friend. There are others at the table; but on our left at the other end is my friend's 94 year-old Mother who will be marrying a 92 year old on Monday. There is food on the table and I notice a large bowl of mashed potatoes that are piled extremely high in front of my friend's Mother.
In walks my older sister who loves cameras. She begins to sit down at the far end of the table when I tell her about the fantastic auto focus of my telephoto lens in my camera that is on the table in front of her.
My Sis automatically picks it up to look thru the lens when she unknowingly swooshes the end of the camera lens thru the mashed potatoes and looks outside. This is when I ask, "Is it the mashed potatoes or the oranges that are in focus?"
In my dream, I think this is so funny looking at that glob of mashed potatoes on the end of the camera lens that I laugh so hard I can't breathe. It is then that I wake up grasping air still laughing. Hahaha! Must have made too much noise. The disgruntled dog pushes my back with her leg. Hahaha! I'm up.